For the first time in 5 years I went on a holiday where I didn’t have to worry about Stay ChatTY and it’s momentum slowing down.

In the past whilst holidaying I’ve drove not only my wife mad, but myself mad in not being able to “switch off”.

Stay ChatTY for years was me only, so I had to be the one to keep the wheels turning on emails, social media, and anything else that came our/my way.

The last time I came to Bali with my wife 2 and a half years ago was a bit of a blur. And when I got back to actual “work” I was still as stressed as the time I left because I just didn’t let go like I should have.

Momentum for me is a beautiful thing and It is something that excites me. Those that know me know that I am always searching for that next opportunity, that next thing that will help grow our organisation.

We could gain funding, sign on a huge partner, or have a huge cheque handed over. Whilst I’m incredibly grateful for those, the next day I’m not content with that, and I wake up searching for more opportunities to grow.

I know that being like that is great as it shows my determination and passion for growth. But I’m also aware that not relaxing and slowing down isn’t great for you, so I’m forever grateful to those that continue to remind me to just slow down, and take care of yourself.

Heading off on a holiday knowing that the momentum would continue was a huge relief. Our programs in schools and sporting clubs are progressing nicely, our team are hard at work facilitating these sessions, but outside of that they are discussing and growing other initiatives.

Of a night it has been great to still see social media posts going up, and although I’m not replying to emails, I’m still taking a sneaky glance and seeing that things are flowing fast, but more importantly, nicely in my absence.

On this trip I’ve done my best to exercise, to eat well, I’ve even started reading a book – crazy! But more importantly to invest time into my own life outside of Stay ChatTY.

Nearly 5 years I’ve been doing this line of work with Relationships Australia Tasmania. Presentations, meetings, networking, events, growing a team, building key relationships. And whilst that’s all what I love to do, I know that what we have built is now a healthy, growing product without me being involved 100% of the time.

Having an amazing team of dedicated, passionate and kind people all working towards the same thing is a really powerful thing.

So this trip away I am grateful because being able to reflect on the past makes me proud, but taking time to view how I want the future to be has excited me.

The thing that excites me most right now is that my book “Behind the Smile” arrives next week, and I’m excited for the positives that this venture will hopefully bring to my future.

Tasmania has embraced both myself and Stay ChatTY more than what I had ever hoped for, but I know there’s a whole world out there that I truly believe will benefit from hearing my story. So my main aim is for other states to embrace my story and invite it into their work place, school or community group in 2019.

I pulled the lap top out a few times this trip, but it was mainly to grow my future, come up with my own ideas, and to think about my own life moving forward.

So I want to thank our fabulous team, because for the first time whilst on holidays it was amazing not to feel like I had to drive that train of momentum.

The train kept moving, the wheels didn’t slow down, and most importantly above all that, I’m feeling revived and ready to go.